A Practical Guide To Make $5 Per Day on Steemit.com: #SOSVenezuela

4 min readMay 10, 2017

In our cynical world full of the latest human and governmental tragedies, it is very difficult to believe that any real solutions exist to end poverty. After all, the saying goes,

The road to hell is paved in good intentions.

Let’s face it, rich people can never truly help poor people by only giving them bags of rice.

Only a poor person understands the impact of poverty and what it does to a person’s mind. And even though I was raised in a middle-class family, got a college degree, had a professional career, I fell through the cracks, ended up a single mother, and lost everything. In essence, I became a sad statistic that befalls many women all over the world. My mind got altered from poverty, I suddenly found myself having to fill two roles: breadwinner and nurturer, and if it weren’t for my parents, I’d probably be homeless and impoverished. I definitely wouldn’t be here writing this. Writing is for privileged people.

The mental scars of having nothing and feeling…

