First of all, thank you for such a detailed response! This is a first for me. I believe in the power of synergy and the fact is that I’ve been involved in tokenized blogging platforms where there are many editors and community-focused people just waiting for a new community-driven platform to emerge. From my own experience, there are many people who will rise to the surface to help you with curating and editing, it’s just a matter of creating the right structure for it….I highly recommend you study what Everipedia is doing, as they are Wikipedia 2.0 and their writers and editors receive IQ tokens for their work. IQ is an EOS-based token, and can be converted for real cash. The tokenized model works better because people get aligned with similar incentives, and tend to work as a group…(at least it does work in some communities that have the right leadership) Here’s that Everipedia link:
This model is extrememely similar to the one you’re trying to build, so I recommend getting to know their model.
Thanks again for your absolutely thorough response, it was great to finally see you and your wife in a video interview! I dedicated my latest article to both of you.